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Jared Phaup
Veterinary Assistant
Jared spent his childhood growing up in New Orleans, and over the years, has accumulated a wealth of knowledge in the veterinary field. He has been a part of the team here at the clinic since summer of 2014, and enjoys working with and learning about exotics. Jared has a Boarder Collie named Lady, a poodle mix named Robin, and two cats, Thorin and Soo Ling, at home. He loves being able to walk out of an exam room knowing that, "you helped the animal and the client, and everyone had an enjoyable, knowledgeable, fun experience". The best part of his job is helping animal get a second chance and showing them they are loved. A fun side hobby of his is snake breeding, and he enjoys taking his reptiles to various conventions and shows on the weekend. A talented musician as well, he plays the bass, guitar, and drums, and performs at his church on the weekends.

Veterinarian Support

Our technicians and support team members are all gentle animal lovers who treat your pets with the compassion and respect they deserve. Explore our support team members' biographies and learn about the individuals who make our hospital such a good choice for your pet's care.