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Availability: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Betty Chow
Veterinarian Specialist - Internal Medicine BVM&S, MRCVS, DACVIM

Dr. Betty Chow grew up in Hong Kong, and received her veterinary degree from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland in 2010. She spent time in Hong Kong working under a VIN feline consultant before pursuing a small animal rotating internship at the University of Glasgow, Scotland from 2012-2013. She then flew across the pond for an internal medicine/oncology specialty internship at Mississippi State University from 2013-2014, and an internal medicine specialty internship at BluePearl Veterinary Partners in Grand Rapids, Michigan from 2014-2015, before starting her internal medicine residency at the Veterinary Specialty Hospital of San Diego in 2015-2018. She is currently a staff internist and internal medicine specialty internship director.

Dr. Chow enjoys many aspects of internal medicine, but has special interests in gastroenterology, clinical nutrition, and feline medicine. She is actively involved in clinical research and continues to publish in the field of small animal gastroenterology (which includes the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, and hepatobiliary systems). She is a board member of the Comparative Gastroenterology Society, which includes an international group of veterinary specialists and researchers who are working to improve the knowledge of veterinary gastroenterology through research and education. She is also a volunteer member for the credentials committee of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ACVIM).

In her free time, she is an avid outdoors traveler, hiker, and mountaineer, and loves climbing high altitude mountains. When she's at home, she gets bossed around by her very demanding cat named Tux, who adopted her in Glasgow.