Pet Boarding

Suite Webcams

Watch Your Pets While You’re Away 24/7!

Instructions have changed – If this is the first time viewing our new webcam system, you can view the tutorial below.  You may click the following link if you don’t need the tutorial. 

How To View The Updated Webcams:

In the past, our webcam technology could only provide cam viewing for those with Internet Explorer and Windows computers.  New technology now allows our cams to be viewed on all major browsers, including Chrome, Firefox and Safari.  During your first visit, you will need to download and install a browser plugin – a small program that allows cam viewing.  You will only need to do this once.  Here’s how to do it:

  1. Launch The VCA Becker Pet Cams Page
    Click icon above links suite cams.  This will take you to the cams login page.

  2. Log In To The Cams
    Username: Guest
    Password:  Beckerpets

    All Suite Cam Blocks Use The Same Username And Password.

    Screen capture illustrating login screen for the pet cam.

  3. Successful Login
    After the login you should see a screen like this:

    Screen illustrating successful pet cam view.

  4. If the screen opens on multiple screen view, click the single-pane view at lower left.  Find your pet’s suite in the dropdown menu to right of the cam screen.

    Screen capture illustrating successful screen cam view.

Now you’re ready to go! Click the appropriate “View your Pet” icon above the tutorial.